
Make a Name for Yourself
Working with an established brand doesn’t always makes sense. We love working with independent hotels to help them really compete and succeed—so much so, we’ve created two brands on our own.
Independents move more nimbly and, with our corporate management behind them, have the ability to negotiate on a large brand scale. Currently we manage more than 15 independent hotels across five states.
Our Approach
We bring the big brand amenities—central purchasing, streamlined systems, marketing, and more—with the independent flexibility you're looking for. We’ve taken over independent properties that were operating in the red for years and, within 12 months, have them in the black. We know we can’t just rest on brand loyalty to get bookings. We share the story of the hotel, why to stay, and price rates competitively to drive guests to stay with us. We work with our independents to do QA tests (using secret shoppers) and ensure they are meeting the same standards as brand hotels.
Our Expertise
We have our preferred hotel systems, but our team of experts knows how to work any and understands the complexity of making one system talk to another. We sometimes have to work harder with our independent properties, but that hard work always pays off.
Talk to us today and see how we can help your independent property!
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