Regency Cares

Occasionally, life hands our associates more than they can handle, and they find themselves coming up short financially, whether it be due to an illness, natural disaster, or other unexpected crisis. To help with these situations, Regency has set up a non-profit associate crisis fund called Regency Cares. Associates can apply for a grant to help with their short-term financial needs.

Members of the Regency family are blessed to have a program such as this available.

- William, Regency Cares Grant Recipient

All grants received are first reviewed by the General Manager. The Corporate Program Administrator then reviews the application to make sure the eligibility requirements are met. Next, the application is reviewed by the Grant Committee, a group of long-term associates within Regency. Once the application is approved, a check is issued to the associate.

Grant applications must be filled out by the associate and supporting documentation has to be provided. We’ve been able to help associates with their unplanned medical expenses that come with premature babies and cancer diagnoses, assist an associate with rent expenses to prevent being evicted from their apartment, among others.

We would love for you to contribute; even $1.00 per pay period makes a difference. We appreciate your consideration, and thank you for being a part of the Regency Hotel Management family.

All current and new participants by May 15, 2021 will be entered into a drawing:

  • First Place: Apple Watch
  • Second Place: 2 night stay at one of our properties
  • Third Place: An extra day of vacation

Help Us Meet Our Goal

If you’d like to contribute to this great cause, please fill out the attached form. Your donation is 100% tax deductible and goes directly to help the associates within the Regency Hotel Management family.

Fill out form

"We were very in need of help and could not be more thankful to the Regency Cares team for assisting us." - Leticia, Regency Cares Grant Recipient